National Thank You Note Day

National Thank-You Note Day on December 26th recognized the time-honored tradition of thanking people for their gifts, hospitality, and generosity. It is a day to get some note cards, paper, pen, envelopes, and stamps to write those special thank-yous.
Taking the time to thank family and friends with a personalized message has special meaning. The receiver of the “thank-you” will enjoy getting the card in the mail and the message you have written. Personal messages also convey to friends and family a deeper, more intimate sentiment. These handwritten notes, however brief, carry a tactile expression of thanks that verbal communication often lacks.
Never underestimate the power of saying “THANK YOU!”
Writing a thank-you has become a bit of a lost art. We have provided a few tips to help along the way.
Begin your thank-you by acknowledging the specific gift and how thoughtful it is. If the gift wasdelivered, then assure the sender it arrived safely and how much you enjoy it.
If the giver presented the gift personally, mention something you remember from your visit. Then thank them for the perfect gift they took the time to bring by describing it and how ideal it is for you.
Close your thank-you by gushing about how kind the giver was for remembering you!
Within a few lines, you will have the knack of writing thank-you cards. Share your tips using #NationalThankYouNoteDay to post on social media.
National Day Calendar will send a personal thank-you note to the founder of this correspondence day when we hear from them.
Thank-You Note FAQ
Q. Besides Christmastime, what other times are important to remember thank-you cards?
A. Not every gift requires a written thank-you note. However, sending a thank-you note for those occasional, unexpected gifts will be appreciated. Other times when you should send a thank-you card include:
- Wedding gifts
- Shower gifts (baby and bridal)
- Patrons of your business
- House warming gifts
- When you've been a houseguest
- When someone completes an exceptionally difficult task or provides a service on short notice
- Birthday gifts, especially if they are mailed to you or were given during a party, large or small
- After receiving a promotion
Q. When do I use a hyphen in the phrase "thank you."
A. The phrase "thank you" appears with and without a hyphen for a couple of different reasons. First, the only time the phrase "thank you" is without a hyphen is when the word "thank" is used as a verb. Typically that happens during the act of thanking someone. "I thank you for your kind words." "Thank you for caring for your donation." We add a hyphen when the words "thank" and "you" modify a noun or if the phrase is a noun. Examples are provided below:
- "I picked up thank-you notes today." (modifies "notes")
- "I received a thank-you card from Alice in the mail." (modifies "notes")
- "Will you be sending thank-yous, or shall I?" (noun)
- "Don't forget to send a thank-you." (noun)