Phileas Fogg Win A Wager Day

Phileas Fogg Win a Wager Day on December 21st commemorates a date in fictional history. In the classic novel, Around the World in 80 Days by French Novelist, Jules Verne, December 21st is the date illustrious main character Phileas Fogg must complete his challenge to win a wager of £20,000.
During an argument about the possibility of traveling around the world in 80 days, Phileas Fogg is challenged by fellow members of the Reform Club to do just that. He accepts the wager of £20,000 (equal to about £1.5 million today).
He departs on his with his newly hired valet, Passepartout at 8:45 P.M. on Wednesday, October 2, 1872. In order to win the wager, he must arrive back at the Reform Club at the same time on Saturday, December 21, 1872.
As you can imagine, Fogg and his valet encounter many trials, obstacles, and adventures along the way. Does Phileas Fogg win a wager? Explore the novels of Jules Vern including the novel Around the World In 80 Days. You just might find adventure where you least expect it.
Start reading Around the World in Eighty Days. Learn about the wager and the travels of Phileas Fogg. Of course, today it's possible to travel around the world in less than 80 days. Not only has navigation improved, but the way we travel has also improved. If you were to travel around the world, which mode would you choose? Tell us using #PhileasFoggWinAWagerDay to post on social media.
We wager that you would love some real-life around the world adventures - like these7 Thrilling Trips Around the World.
December 21st is the anniversary of the day Phileas Fogg was due back at the Reform Club to win his wager. While National Day Calendar has not identified the founder of Phileas Fog Win a Wager Day, we'll wager they're a Jules Verne fan.
Phileas Fogg FAQ
Q. Did Jules Verne create steampunk?
A. No, but he sure inspired it. Jules Verne's imaginative characters and inventions predate the use of the term "steampunk." His combination of Victorian styles and technology that did not yet exist is the essence of steampunk.
Q. How many ways modes of transportation did Phileas Fogg use to travel around the world?
A. Fogg used every means available in 1872. Besides train and steamer ship, he also travels by elephant, wind-powered sledge, carriage, and foot.